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And the winner is...

Best International

Rio, Zhenia Kazankina

Best National

Gas Station, Olga Torrico

Best Animation

Šarkan, Martin Smatana

Best Theme

Virtulle, Léopold Kraus

Special Mention

Loca, María Salgado Gispert

Best Music

Inverno, Giulio Mastromauro

By GDM Music

MyMovies Award

Sodom & Gomorrah, Curtis Essel

AIR3 Award

Gas Station, Olga Torrico

The Jury

Boris Sollazzo


Jury President

Film critic

Fatima Bianchi


Director and editor of documentaries and video art

Stefano Negri


Film and advertising producer

How the third edition was

2020 was a special year, despite the difficulties we faced, it was the year of maturity and the confirmation of a commitment that wants to last.