Are you a director?
The Orvieto Cinema Fest aims to promote the art of cinema through the presentation of cinematic works of quality and entertainment.
We also pay attention to the discovery of young talent and new female voices.
The sixth edition of Orvieto Cinema Fest will be held in September 2025, from 21st to 28th.
There are three cash prizes awarded by the jury, the grand prize for the best film of €1,500.00, a second prize of €800.00 and a third of €600.00.
There is also a youth jury prize of €300,00.
There will also be special mentions.
Sumbimission are opened from January 1st to July 30th, 2025 on: Film Freeway and Shortfilmdepot.
There is a fee of 10,00 € through the registration site, PayPal (info@orvietocinemafest) or IBAN:
Orvieto Cinema Fest ODV
Intesa San Paolo
IBAN: IT68A0306909606100000177209
“Short’s Title – Orvieto Cinema Fest”.
Technical Requirements
There are no age limits, no residence or citizenship obligations. Each author may participate, with one or more works, even unpublished, in all sections. Short films with a maximum duration of 30 minutes and made starting from 2024 are allowed.
The directors of the short films that will be selected will be contacted to send the files in as high quality as possible to ensure a proper screening in the theater. All works in languages other than Italian must be subtitled in English and Italian. The dialogue list must be provided in English. If possible, it is requested that the subtitles are not already imprinted on the image. However, it is mandatory to send subtitles in English and possibly in Italian separately.
The director/institution forwarding the work must hold, as owner or concessionaire, the rights of the work itself and any additional material attached to it sent to the Festival organizers. By submitting his registration, the director/institution allows the promotion of the work on his behalf, the organization of multiple screenings both public and private without any copyright infringement.
The director/institution must answer civilly and criminally for the work submitted, following violation of copyright, image or reproduction of artistic content protected by copyright, reproduced or mentioned, even partially, in the work registered at the Festival.
The director/institution undertakes not to present works that violate the dignity and rights of natural persons, groups, companies, public subjects or associations represented or mentioned in the short film presented, even through products or brands.
The personal data communicated through the application form and the subscription platform will be processed in accordance with the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 on the processing of personal data. The data sent will be used exclusively for the organizational purposes of the Festival and the Association, including the sending of communications by the organizers about their initiatives, the publication of contacts on the website and on the paper material of the Festival, the sending of new notices of competition, the selection of short films for other festivals or cultural and similar events.
By registering for the Festival, the applicant authorizes the free use of the selected work and its complete video projection within the Festival and other cultural initiatives of the Orvieto Cinema Fest, as well as the publication of the texts and photos accompanying the work sent in the catalogue, on the website and on the social channels of the Festival. Registration to the Festival also implies the sharing and/or transmission of the trailer and part of the short film selected on the Festival’s website and social channels, as well as any digital frame or clip, title, text, names of accredited subjects or other content for promotional and organizational purposes only.
Should any point of this document become illegal in one or more jurisdictions, this will not affect the validity of the same point in other jurisdictions, or the validity of the other points of this document in the same jurisdiction. The proposer undertakes to relieve the Association, its members, the organizers and their collaborators from any civil or criminal litigation and to bear the resulting legal costs in the event of disputes arising in connection with the present regulations.
The registration of a work implies full acceptance by the proposer of the conditions set out in these regulations